Welcome to

Akashic Embodiment

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Namaste & Welcome! 


My name is Rita, and I am so happy that you are here.

In 2016, I experienced a rapid and spontaneous awakening. Before this, I avoided anything related to intuition and spirituality at all costs because I was deeply afraid of what I might discover.

Now, I know that uncovering my inner being and accessing my Akashic Records changed my life.

At the start of 2020, my job disappeared (along with many others globally), and I booked an Akashic Record reading for myself. During this reading, the woman asked me, "Are you reading the records?"

I wasn't familiar with them at the time! But something told me I needed to try...

And she insisted, "Try it... your soul is calling..."

That same week, I opened my own records and began offering free sessions to see what would happen.

My entire life shifted and became focused on the Akashic Records from that moment. The day I consciously opened my Akashic Records, my life changed.

I spent the next few months dedicating hours every day to exploring my own records and learning how they worked.

I am 95% self-taught in working with the Akashic Records. I have never read a book or taken a course on the subject. The prayer I use was given to me by the woman who read for me (with her permission), but she did not offer instructions on how to teach it.

I learned the hard way what to do and what not to do.

During that time, I wished I had a way to learn from someone else.

However, I am happy to say that since then, I have had the privilege of reading for thousands of people around the world and teaching others how to read their own records.

My entire life transformed the day I consciously opened my own Akashic Records, and I believe that as more people gain access to this knowledge, more lives will shift as well.

If you are here, chances are you are feeling this calling too... I am honored to welcome you to learn more about: Akashic Embodiment here.


What are the Akashic Records? 

The Akashic Records are believed to be a vast, cosmic library of knowledge that contains the collective wisdom and experiences of every soul that has ever existed. If you Google 'Akashic Records,' you will likely find that it is said to hold information about the past, present, and future of all existence.

In my perspective, I like to refer to the Akashic Records as our 'soul communication.' I see them as a tool for individuals to connect deeply with our souls and to receive information that can profoundly change and transform our everyday lives.

When we consciously connect to the Akashic, we connect with an awareness that we are a part of something much bigger than ourselves and open ourselves to answers that can provide a more aligned, loving, and conscious existence.


Akashic Embodiment

Learn How to Read  The Akashic Records For Yourself + Others 

Learn how to become a channel for the divine within you while helping others and yourself on your soul path:

  • Open your intuition, connect with spirit, and embark on your personal soul journey.
  • Learn how to help others on their spiritual path by tapping into their Akashic (the most rewarding experience)!
  • Grow your psychic and spiritual abilities while learning how to help others on their spiritual path through the Akashic Records.
  • Uncover past lives, soul contracts, and discernment.
  • Connect to the deepest aspect of yourself and learn how to translate the wisdom from this inner knowing into your external reality.
  • Have fun as you connect with yourself and others in a way that brings meaningful change to your life, and others around you!

Speaking from experience, reading the Akashic for others, has been the best gift of my life. To be of service in this way, is such an amazing opportunity and honor.

If you feel called to this, here is what else you can expect and much more...

Learn How to Access The Akashic Records in 3 ways in Akashic Embodiment.

In this live course you will learn how to access the Akashic Records in 3 ways. One for yourself, one for others, and one through the body. 

Live Q&As + Practices Together

Each week will include a new lesson and teaching. We will also begin to practice together, so by the end of our time together, you will be confident in reading for others and yourself.

Mind, body + Spirit Teachings

My approach is very grounded in the integration of the mind, body and spirit. We will be going deep into the cosmos, and learning how to translate this into our human reality.

Elevate Your Current Business

This course is designed to help those with existing businesses elevate their current practice by integrating Akashic Record readings into their programs. Past students have combined Akashic readings with practices such as EFT, breathwork, and astrology. I will help you find your niche!

Connection to Spirit

100% of previous students said that this program opened up their intuition more than ever before. You will feel a deeper connection with the divine and understand how it wants to move through you in readings.

Past Lives, Future Lives + Soul Contract Healing

You will learn how to read past lives and soul contracts, but more importantly, you will learn how to heal them for yourself and others.

15 Week Live Coaching + Schedule (Maximum of 8 students)


For the first time in over 2 years, I am offering a live training to Learn how to Read The Akashic Records For Yourself + Others.


Myself and those in this course will put a lot of time and energy during our time together, so to ensure everyone has a thorough process, I keep the group small.


We will meet almost every week starting the first week of September - Mid December.



Tentative: Calls will be on Fridays from 10:30am EDT to 12:00pm EDT.


Week 1: September 6 (Friday)
Week 2: September 13 (Friday)
Week 3: September 20 (Friday)
Week 4: September 27– BREAK NO LIVE CALL
Week 5: October 4 (Friday)
Week 6: October 11 (Friday)
Week 7: October 18 - BREAK NO LIVE CALL
Week 8: October 25 (Friday) 
Week 9: November 1 (Friday)
Week 10: Nov 8 (Friday)
Week 11: Nov 15 (Friday)
Week 12: Nov 22 (Friday)
Week 13: Nov 28 -BREAK NO LIVE CALL
Week 14: December 6 (Friday)
Week 15: Dec 13 (Friday)


Data From Previous Students...

Last year, I offered everyone that had learned to read the Akashic from me, the opportunity to share their experience with me so I could improve as a teacher and so I could understand the ripple effect of the Akashic on their lives.

Here is what they said (these were all students who learned from me live).

  • 100% said that learning to read the records with me was life-changing
  • 100% said this opened up their intuition in a way they never expected
  • 100% said this course was life-changing
  • 100% felt confident in reading the records + opening it for someone else.
  • As of today July 2024 (100% of students still use the Akashic in their day to day life).
  • 64% of all students use the Akashic currently in their business and said it improved their revenue. 
  • 100% said the course exceeded their expectations.
  • The students that do work with the Akashic in their business charged anywhere from ($111 USD - $450 USD for an hourly session).


"When I saw Rita share her Akashic Embodiment course, I knew in my heart I was meant to join... and I'm so grateful that I did.
The way that Rita guided us to open the Akashic Records and explore it felt so easeful and fun. There was never a dull moment of learning. We learned different ways of using the Akashic Records beyond reading for ourselves and others. This practice built up so much self confidence. When we did open our Records, it felt so expansive to receive such detailed information and knowledge. Any healing that was done in the Records truly expanded beyond this lifetime. After every single call, I left feeling excited for the next. 
Throughout the 12 weeks together, I felt fully supported and safe exploring and learning with everyone. Rita made sure to check in on us individually outside of the course to make sure we were doing okay; which I felt was so above and beyond. What truly sets Rita apart from others is her support in empowering us to trust our own intuition and using our own discernment. Nothing ever felt forced.
I initially chose to learn the Akashic Records for my own healing and to help others... But I got so much more out of it than I could've ever imagined. Learning how to read and embody the Akashic Records from Rita has been so transformative and life changing. I don't even recognize the me before this program in the best ways possible. I'm so grateful to have learned from her.
If you're interested in learning to read the Akashic Records, I highly recommend learning from Rita. She is truly the embodiment of the Akashic Records.
Thank you Rita for your loving support and gentle guidance."
Nalee H. (Akashic Embodiment Year 2)


"I took the Akashic embodiment course out of curiosity and with an intention to learn something new. What I didn’t anticipate was that through this course I would be given the opportunity to learn more about myself and make radical shifts in my life. Over the course of the 10 weeks, I witnessed my intuition strengthen, gain a new sense of empowerment and shift into new realities - within days! I was able to face my fears in ways I never thought I would be able to and it happened so quickly. This course radically changed me. 

I’m so incredibly grateful to be taught this course by Rita. She is a phenomenal teacher, who explains complex methods in a way that is easy to follow along and understand. When tapping into the Akashic it can often bring up some tough emotions and memories. Having said that, Rita is kind and gentle and created a safe space for you to let your guard down and be vulnerable. She made an effort to check in on us - something I didn’t expect but really appreciated. She gave us all permission to be ourselves. I felt incredibly supported throughout the course from Rita and the other members I was doing the course with.   

This course gave me the confidence and clarity I needed to move forward towards my next steps and trust not only in myself but my ability to read the records for others. Coming out of this course I truly feel in my power. The Akashic is such a powerful and magical place. It’s a place where you can heal years and lifetimes of unhealed trauma in seconds.

And in the Akashic Embodiment course you learn to embody the Akashic - to become it, to breathe it, to feel it.

Learning to read the Akashic is a gift that’s available to all of us, but learning it from Rita is a true blessing."

Swati S. (Akashic Embodiment Year 1)

Are You Ready To Learn How To Read The Records For Yourself + Others?


If you are here, I am so honored. I understand that it can be confusing feeling drawn to the Akashic, but if you are here, I trust there is a reason.

Learning to read for yourself + others can be the experience of a lifetime. I hope you'll join me!


Everyone’s journey is different. Find the right package for you. Limited Spots Available!



Pay in full.

  • All Live Group Sessions Included + Recordings 
  • (3) One-on-one personalized hour long calls with Rita ($1050 + Value)
  • Access to Akashic Journey ($379 value, and if you have already pre-purchased this, you will get an extra 1-1 with Rita instead).
  • Weekly Live Support + Personalized Feedback from Rita as you read for others
  • Email Support as questions arise
  • Practice Sessions for Self + Reading for others in group



4 Monthly Payments

  • All Live Group Sessions Included + Recordings
  • Access to Akashic Journey ($379 value, and if you have already pre-purchased this, you will get an extra 1-1 with Rita instead).
  • Weekly Live Support + Personalized Feedback from Rita as you read for others
  • Email Support as questions arise
  • Practice Sessions for Self + Reading for others in group with feedback from Rita 

Expand Your Business + Life Together.

Fill out the form above so we can connect and find out how this program might fit into your life.

Jennifer H.


"Working with Rita has been beyond transformational and continues to be so. I have now worked with Rita consistently for 1.5 years and so much has changed in all aspects of my being: physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I have gone from a place of just starting to tap into my spiritual gifts to fully utilizing my intuitive gifts as an energetic and spiritual channel and akashic records reader, as well as for the purposes of navigating a more aligned, authentic, heart-centered life.
While working with Rita, I went from working a 9-5 job within an industry that didn't align with my values to starting my own business (in less than a year!). I sold my home and have traveled around the country, allowing my intuition and inner compass to guide me.
I have manifested some other major circumstances and things in my life like soul-aligned connections (both romantic and platonic), a car and exciting opportunities. Rita holds an extremely safe and loving space for clients to work through deep, emotional and spiritual blocks and traumas so that the goodness of life can be uncovered and experienced. I highly recommend her work to anyone who is ready to step into the life of their dreams."

Andrea B.

 "Rita's Akashic Embodiment program has absolutely transformed my life for the better in all possible ways. 

At a personal level, the Akashic Embodiment program helped me reestablish that sacred connection to the divine in my everyday life.
At a professional level, I've never been as lovingly challenged to examine my deepest beliefs and unconscious patterns in the name of healing the self and others.
Rita has beautifully mastered just how to condense profound spiritual matter into practical and easily understandable material.
She powerfully yet gently guides you in discovering and reclaiming your truest spiritual gifts. 
It has been a true blessing to have her as a mentor and as a friend.

Marie G.

I first met Rita in March of 2021. I came to her for an Akashic Records reading. Outside of reading for myself, I had never experienced a reading before - Rita was my first. Our session together was incredibly healing, and I knew that I was on some sort of spiritual awakening journey, but I still hadn't quite figured it out. 
Sometime between then and mid-April, I came to the realization of one of the things that I was here to bring to the world - the birth of a company: The Corporate Psychic. 
I had no idea where to begin, but my gut told me to reach out to Rita for help. We agreed to work together in a spiritual/business coaching capacity and I committed to 10 weeks together. To be honest, I had no idea why I wanted to work together, what we were going to be working on, or how this would be beneficial to me - I just knew that it was something that I needed to do. 
Through our 10 weeks together, we very rarely actually spoke about TCP. And yet, I went from a thought/idea/concept to a full blown business with offerings, prices, programs and customers (who paid for my services) literally in that timespan of 10 weeks. It wasn't until our 10 weeks had concluded when I really saw the full transformation. 
Y'all - through this period of time so much  was happening in my personal life, spiritual growth, and within my full-time job. Normally, I would say that it's impossible the amount of material work that was produced in such a short period of time. But, the only way that I can explain it is that timelines collapsed and quantum leaps were catalyzed - BECAUSE we were open to it. And I was open to it because of my work with Rita.  
It may not make sense to many, but I know without a doubt that TCP went from an idea to reality, in part because of the work we did together. I know it so much, that I just committed to working more deeply together for an indefinite amount of time. 
Sometimes we don't need to understand the how, in order to accomplish the what. If you feel the call (in the slightest) to work with Rita in a coaching capacity - commit.